The freshest, healthiest and tastiest food will be the food you grow yourself. Using biodynamic methods in our region, one person can feed themselves all the vegetables they need from a 200sq foot garden.  A family of four needs about 1300sq feet, including paths. You can see that even a small food garden has great potential.
Raised beds made with Stonehenge concrete blocks.
These raised beds are built with Stonehenge concrete blocks.  Large tumbled blocks are ideal for the purpose because they are flexible, retain heat, cannot rot and make an attractive feature in the garden.

If you are thinking of growing your own, we can help get you started. Whether it's a handy bit of advice or practical assistance or setting up with raised beds, sheet mulching, irrigation, greenhouses and sheds.
Raised Beds Salad Crops. Setting up a Blueberry Tunnel with large hoops
The pictures above show three different areas for growing food.  In the first, the raised beds are ornamental features arranged in a formal pattern.  They area ideally suitable for growing, tending and harvesting a variety of salad vegetables, brassicas, garlic and beetroot.  Or, they might be planted with annual flowers for cutting. There is a small greenhouse which is not visible in the photo. The next picture shows a kitchen garden for growing similar crops in beds which are defined with block paved walkways. The third picture is part of an extensive project with mixed planting. In the background a long walk-through blueberry tunnel is being constructed using large hoops. More about this here.a>


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