




  • Lewis Landscapes is a garden design and build company based in British Colombia, Canada. No data is collected from visitors to this website for the purpose of financial transactions, newsletters, tracking robots, or marketing. That is not to say we do not have links to and from this site to third party websites that could potentially gather data indirectly from visitors to this site. We understand, therefore, The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU is relevant to any data we may collect, directly or indirectly, via our website lewislandscapes.com from individuals resident in the EU.

    The type of personal information we collect:
    We collect and process personal data as part of our Contractural relationship with our customers for the legal purpose of carrying out our services. It may include any of the following information:
    • Your email address
    • Your name and address
    • Your phone number

    We do not directly collect any sensitive personal data from online forms, shopping carts, subscription services or newsletters. Currently, we do not subscribe to any 3rd Party websites for the purpose advertising, analytics or affiliate links.

    We do not maintain any online database(s) of personal data. Emails sent to a catchall lewislandscapes email address, may remain in our secure mailbox until automatically deleted.

    How we get the personal information and why we have it.
    Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by yourself for one of the following reasons:
        You have contacted us by phone or email to request a site visit.
        You have consented to provide your personal details as part of a your Landscape/Garden Contract for Works to be carried out by us.
         Your IP address (Internet address)is automatically logged on our hosting server each time you visit our website.
        You have visited our website and contacted us for information about our activities, and provided your personal contact details.
        You consented to our collection of certain types data as a Condition of the Use of our website.
        You are an employee or you sub-contract your services to us, and provide personal data as a Legal Condition or your Employment/Hire.

    We also receive personal information indirectly, from the following sources in the following scenarios:
    You have visited our Facebook page or other Social Media Connections.
    We use the information that you have given us in order to get in touch with you.
    To provide you with Goods and Services on a Legal basis.
    To maintain a legal business relationship with you.
    To fulfil our legal obligations to Government agencies.
    We may share this information with:
    Any Legal Authority in the event of Dispute.
    Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are as follows: (a) Your consent. You are able to remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting admin@lewislandscapes.com. (b) We have a contractual obligation. (c) We have a legal obligation. (d) We have a vital interest. (e) We need it to perform a public task. (f) We have a legitimate interest.
Contact Information
Name: Andrew Lewis t/a Lewis Landscapes
Address: 1115 Beaver Point Road, Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, Canada, V8K 1X2
Phone Number: 01-250-653-4770
E-mail: info@lewislandscapes.com

Telephone 250-653-4770

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